
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cupcake Liner Turkeys {Kid Craft}

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How about a fun little craft to do with the kiddos in anticipation of Thanksgiving?

Simply gather some of these....

Mason Jar of Cupcake Liners

... plus some construction paper, a glue stick and some markers. Oh yeah, and the kids! :)

Step by step directions:
1 - Let the kiddos choose a cupcake liner.
2 - Have them fold the liner in half.
3 - Glue liner to the construction paper. (these are your feathers/body)
4 - Take a second cupcake liner (with a light bottom), have child cut bottom circle out and glue circle to folded liner. Draw face on glued-on circle.
4 - Decorate "feathers" with markers, if desired.
5 - Admire! :)

Of course you can get fancy and embellish with real feathers or whatever else, but we really enjoyed the simplicity of our turkeys. :)

Cupcake Liner Turkeys - easy kid craft

Above you see the masterpiece created by my 4 year old. Love those turkeys! We just hung ours on display for everyone to enjoy, but they would make really cute placemats for Thanksgiving too.

What Thanksgiving crafts do you enjoy making with your little ones?

Linking up to parties here - check 'em out!


  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing at Somewhat Simple!


  2. Aw, how cute & fun! Thanks for sharing this great idea!


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