
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another Small Change that makes me :)

So our house has those dated brass doorknobs.... EVERYWHERE. And we have 25 doors in this house. 25? Are you kidding me?? So even though I would love to just go replace them all at once, it ain't gonna happen. But I recently cashed in some credit card points for a $100 Lowes gift card to work on another molding project (more on that later - squee!). And since I was left with a little extra on the card after purchasing my molding strips, I decided to use the balance to change out the doorknobs on the linen closet in our master bathroom.

Here is the ~lovely~ {note scarcasm} before...

Let's take a closer look...

I hate all these brass knobs. Yuck.

Ugh. Yes, did I mention there are 25 of these lovely goodies in our house?? {Technically there are double that since they are 2-sided!} Sigh.

But since the ones on this linen closet are "fake" doorknobs (in that they are only one-sided and don't even actually turn), I figured they would be an easy and inexpensive change. So I bought 2 of these using the balance of my gift card. I think they were only about $7 or so each.

Since these are inactive knobs, all I had to do was remove the screws on the old ones, pop them off and screw the new ones on. No strike plates to deal with or anything! Looking better already...

Looking so much better already!

And here we go with the 2 new ones - SO much better!

Much better!

I love the way they look now. I wish I could change out the other 23 brass knobs in this house! Maybe if I only do one a month?? Ha - 2 years later... LOL

{And yes, I know that some bloggers have had success spray painting their old brass doorknobs, but I just don't have the time or energy to do it properly. Spending the money on these over time is worth it to me.}

What kind of knobs do you have on your doors? Brass? ORB? Nickel? Have you changed them out? Painted them? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)



  1. :) Don't worry, in 15 years someone will be saying "I have 25 of these dated brushed nickel doorknobs in my house" and will ripp them all off and replace them with shiny brass ones ;)

  2. We changed over everything in our house over time to be brushed nickel and love it!! We have one remaining brass/gold handle on our slider and that's it. Can't wait to change that too!

  3. UGH we have brass. haven't counted how many though. Are you going to change the hinges as well? Looks great so far!

  4. It looks great Kyra! Very contemporary. I love the egg shaped knobs- they feel so nice :)
    thanks for your sweet comments. I hope I answered your questions on the cabinets. Can't wait to see you go for it!


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